Coral Reef Ecology Laboratory - Professor Mark Ian McCormick

Mark McCormack Reef Fish Ecology

Publications 1994 and before

McCormick MI (1994) The influence of pelagic life history on the quality of tropical goatfish (family Mullidae) at settlement. Australian Journal of Ecology 19:355  

McCormick MI (1994) Variability in age and size at settlement of the tropical goatfish Upeneus tragula (Mullidae) in the northern Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 103:1-15 
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McCormick MI (1994) Comparison of field methods for measuring surface topography and their associations with a tropical reef fish assemblage. Marine Ecology Progress Series 112:87-96 
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McCormick MI (1993) Biological monitoring programme for the Four Seasons Barrier Reef Resort at John Brewer Reef: the second post-hotel survey. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville (55)

McCormick MI, Milicich MJ (1993) Late pelagic-stage goatfishes: distribution patterns and inferences on schooling behaviour. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 174:15-42 
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McCormick MI, Molony BW (1993) Quality of the reef fish Upeneus tragula (Mullidae) at settlement: Is size a good indicator of condition? Marine Ecology Progress Series 98:45-54 
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McCormick MI (1993) Development and changes at settlement in the barbel structure of the reef fish, Upeneus tragula  (Mullidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 37:269-282 
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McCormick MI, Shand J (1993) Metamorphosis of the visual and barbel sensory systems at settlement in the reef fish Upeneus tragula (Family Mullidae). Proceedings of the 7th Inernational Coral Reef Symposium 1:616-623 
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McCormick MI (1992) The influence of pelagic life history on the quality of tropical goatfish (family Mullidae) at settlement. PhD thesis:p. 120

McCormick MI, Molony BW (1992) Effects of feeding history on the growth characteristics of a reef fish at settlement. Marine Biology 114:165-173 
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McCormick MI (1990) Handbook for stock assessment of agar seaweed Pterocladia lucida- with a comparison of survey techniques. NZ Fisheries Technical Report 24:1-36

McCormick MI (1989) Reproductive ecology of the temperate reef fish Cheilodactylus spectabilis (Pisces: Cheilodactylidae). Marine Ecology Progress Series 55:113-120 
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McCormick MI (1989) Spatio-temporal patterns in the abundance and population structure of a large temperate reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 53:215-225 
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McCormick MI, Choat JH (1987) Estimating total abundance of a large temperate-reef fish using visual strip-transects. Marine Biology 96:469-478 
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